题目:Behavioral Finance 主讲人:Ibrahim (Abe) Helou 美国拉文大学商管学院院长 时间:2015年4月23日下午3:10-4:40 地点:1302 主讲人简介: 教育经历: 亚利桑那州立大学金融学博士,1992年12月 洛马林达大学MBA金融专业硕士,1986年6月 黎巴嫩大学金融与会计专业学士学位,1982年7月 现任职位: 商业和公共管理学院院长,2008 副院长,2003.4 – 2008.6 毕业生就业规划主席:1999.6 - 2008.6 工作经历: 拉文大学法语系副教授, 1998-2002. 本科毕业生职业规划主席,1998-1999. 拉文大学商业和经济学副教授, 1993-1997. 美国加州州立大学金融系兼职教授, 1998-1999. 威廉与玛丽学院工商管理的客座助理教授,1993 亚利桑那州立大学的相关教员, 1992 亚利桑那州立大学金融学讲师, 1990, 1991-1992 亚利桑那州立大学研究助理, 1987-1988, 1990-1991. (为 Dr. Karl Gunterman工作) 亚利桑那州立大学《金融研究杂志》的学生编辑, 1989 ,1990 Mokrazel & Associates的会计; 黎巴嫩,贝鲁特的公共会计师, 1979-1984. 论文发表 Helou, Abe and Park, Gonyung, “Is there a Signaling Effect to Underwriter Reputation”,Journal of Financial Research., Vol XXIV, No 1. PP 27-43, Spring 2001. Helou, Abe and Dietz, Janis, “Action Learning, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice,Business Research Yearbook, Vol IX, 2002, PP 326-330. Helou, Abe, Dietz, Janis, and Jack McElwee, “Grading Discrepancies Between Full Time and Adjunct Faculty” Published in the Proceedings of the International Conference of the Global Business Development Institute, Las Vegas, NV. March 2008. 出席会议 “Grading Discrepancies between Full-Time and Adjunct Faculty” To be presented with Janis Dietz and Jack McElwee at the 2008 GBDI International Conference, Las Vegas, NV. 2008. “Market Completeness and the Ex-Day Anomaly of Reverse Stock Splits” Presented with Adham Chehab at the 2003 Global Business Development Institute Annual Conference, Maui. Chaired the Topics in Economics and Finance Session at the 2003 Global Business Development Institute Annual Conference, Maui. “Action Learning, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice” Presented with Janis Dietz at the 2002 International Association of Business Disciplines Annual Meeting, Marina Del Ray. "Underwriter Reputation and the Wealth Effects of Seasoned Equity Issues". Presented at the 1992 Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco. Discussant, Financial Management Association meeting, Ontario, Canada 1993. Discussant, Financial Management Association meeting, San Francisco, 1992. Discussant, Financial Management Association meeting, Orlando, Florida, 1990. |